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I have a spreadsheet of payroll clients that has payroll check dates. I want to use this spreadsheet that has every payroll check date by client and set up automated email reminders 1 business day prior to the check date at 1:30 PM PST. How do i create a ZAP using this excel data so that will only send a reminder on that date and time? 


Thanks for your help!

Hi @StephenBrown 

You would need to define which email app you are trying to use. (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.)


If you are trying to run Zaps on a schedule, then check out the Schedule Zap app:


If you are trying to find multiple matching rows in an Excel file, then you may be limited by the available Excel Zap app actions:


You may want to consider using GSheets in stead of Excel, which supports finding multiple rows.


If you are trying to iterate thru 1+ rows of data, then the Looping app can be used:


An alternative approach would be to use Airtable:

Airtable has native Automations with native integrations for Outlook & Gmail.