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I want that if a song is removed from my playlist, in the next backup the song is also removed, Maybe is it possible creating every time a new file sheet with the updated list?

Hi @lunabeige, welcome to the Community! 👋

While you could use a Lookup Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) action to find the song in the spreadsheet, followed by Delete Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) action to remove it, I don’t think the overall workflow is going to be possible right now as I can’t see any triggers available for the Spotify app that would allow you to trigger a Zap when a song on a playlist is removed. 

I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team to put in a new feature request for that sort of trigger to be added to the Spotify app. That’ll help to get it on the team’s radar and allow us to start tracking user interest in having a “Song removed from playlist” trigger added. You can do that here: 

Sorry to not have a workaround to suggest at the moment, but if we come across any workarounds for this we’d be sure to share details of them here. And likewise, if you find a way to solve this in the meantime we’d love to hear from you! 🙂