Hello @ayah98
Can you share screeshots of how the zap was configured so we can have more context.
@Satya09 what exactly would you need to see?
so I make sure to send the right thing
Hey @ayah98! What would be helpful is to know the steps of your Zap as well as have screenshots of each step’s action template. Just be sure not to include any sensitive/personal data in those screenshots! 
Hi @jesse i figured it out, but now my zaps are all sending atthe same time
Hey @ayah98, thanks for letting us know! What ended up being the solution?
As for your Zaps running at the same time, are you able to elaborate further? Specifically, it would be helpful to know how many Zaps you have now, what they do, how you want them to run, and what is happening instead.
Looking forward to hearing back so we can work together in getting this sorted!