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How can I make a zap from Twitter include a image or link when it posts

Hi @robi 

Good question.


To use an image use the Image, Video or GIF field.

Using files in Zaps:


To use the @

Take note of the Message field description.


Using Zapier as a Twitter Auto-Responder

A Zap that auto-responds to search mentions is a violation of Twitter's policies for automation.

Twitter’s policy doesn’t allow replies or mentions in response to search mentions.
If your Zap has a Search Mention trigger and an action that sends a Tweet to that user’s @username, the Tweet will be posted but the @ will be removed.

Twitter’s policies for automation don't allow @replies in response to search mentions.
Here’s a link that discusses Twitter’s policies for using automations with their platform:

Hi @robi! It’s been a bit but I wanted to check in and see if you were able to get this Zap set up correctly? Let us know if you need any clarification!