
How can I increment a value and send daily subscription count to Slack channel?

  • 16 June 2023
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 1
hello everyone, I want to repeat my first task to increment a value in a base (storage). My first task is a catch hook which is validated as soon as a user subscribes to a newsletter. During 24 hours I would like to increase my value and after 24 hours I would like to send a message in chanel slack. Should I use the "Delay after queue" function with a delay of 24 hours after my 1st step for this?
My goal is to get the number of subscriptions to my newsletter per day and send this number in a slack channel



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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Abondance 

Good question.

Help article about the Delay app:

I think you’ll want to go with a different approach using 2 Zaps.


Zap 1

  1. Trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook
  2. Action: Storage - Increment Value (+1)


Zap 2

  1. Trigger: Schedule (Daily)
  2. Action: Storage - Get Value
  3. Action: Slack - Send Channel Message
  4. Action: Storage - Set Value
    1. Set to 0 to reset


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there, @Abondance! 🙂
I just wanted to check in here to find out how you got on with this? Let us know if you’re still stuck and need some more help!

Userlevel 1
Sorry !Everything is settled and I was able to do what I wanted.Thanks for your help :)
Userlevel 1

Thanks for letting us know @Abondance! Delighted everything worked out. 😀