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We use an Interface form linked to a Tables table to input data. The form always seems to start empty and adds a new record when submitted.

What I need to do now, is direct someone to this form, with a specific record's data aligned to it, so they can complete the entries for that record, once other required data has been collected.

There should be a way to not just tell the form to connect to a table, but also a specific record in the table if you don't want to always be entering a new record.


Hi @Jason Steele 

Good question.

You can prefill Zapier Interface fields using the query string parameters.

Check the Reference section for the internal field ID to use. (Found at the bottom of the field config screen.)



@Jason Steele 

I don’t think there is currently the ability to update an existing Table record using an Interface Form without using a Zap.


Thanks. I'm already aware of the query string option.

That would allow me to prefill a standard form, but wouldn't actually connect it to the required record in the actual Tables data. If we use this method and click "submit", it will end up making a new record, not updating the record that already exists. 

Similar to how an actual DBMS form can make new records or navigate between existing records, so should an Interfaces form.

@Jason Steele 

I think right now you’d have to use a Zap to find/update else create a record using Tables and Interface Forms.


Perhaps log all form submissions in 1 Table, then have a separate Table that is used as the main with unique deduplicated data that is updated via Zaps.


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