
How can I get the duration of a phone call from RingCentral?

  • 29 February 2024
  • 16 replies

This is a little more advanced than my abilities.  The “Call Ended” trigger for RingCentral does not include call duration.  So, I am guessing this has to be looked up using a Session ID.  However, I do not know how to do this.  Does anyone know how to do this? 

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16 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Athar A. Khan 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with the trigger step you are using, and the data out from that step.

Hi @Troy Tessalone

I am using the “Call Ended” trigger in RingCentral.  It does not offer Call Duration as a parameter.  So, my guess is that the call duration needs to be looked up somehow using the RingCentral API. 

Thank you in advance. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Athar A. Khan 

Can you post screenshots with the DATA OUT from the Zap trigger step being used, so we can see which data points are available?

Here is a screenshot of the parameters.  The problem is that there is no duration parameter.  So it has to be a custom action or a call to the RingCentral API -- both of which are beyond my technical abilitites. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Athar A. Khan 

This looks like dummy data. (e.g. extension 12345)

Try testing in RingCentral, then click the button [Find New Records] to try to pull thru fresh/real examples to use to configure the Zap action steps.

Also, from the screenshot we can’t tell which RingCentral event is actually being used from the section “App & Event”.



The RingCentral Event being used is “Call Ended.” 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Athar A. Khan 

Give this a try...

Try testing in RingCentral, then click the button [Find New Records] to try to pull thru fresh/real examples to use to configure the Zap action steps.

It is not possible to get fresh/real examples for this particular event.  Only Dummy Data is available.  I have tried this.  Trust me, the Duration is (inexplicably) not provided.  What needs to be done is to pull the duration using RingCentral’s API using the Session ID and I just do not know how to do that because I have not previously created a custom action in Zapier or made any API calls. 

Based on some research, it is sometimes easier to use WebHooks by Zapier than to do an API call but I do not know how to use that either.  I am working on learning it. 

Userlevel 7
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@Athar A. Khan 

If you need help with advanced approaches in Zaps, consider hiring a Certified Zapier Expert:

Userlevel 1

@Athar A. Khan  - I’m able to see call duration...Check out the screen shot below - I was having the exact same issue where only the “sample” data would show up. However, after publishing the App and doing a “real” test (thank you @Troy Tessalone) I was able to get some 1 of my 5 test calls to to show up in the test box and it shows the call duration.


I think that when you say you published an app, you mean that you created an app on RingCentral’s platform/developer website.  I did create one on there but I honestly do not know how to use it.  So I left it alone and just gave up on looking up the duration. 

Userlevel 1

@Athar A. Khan - I actually meant to type “published the zap” - but unfortunately that’s the ONLY time I was able to get that sample data to load in, otherwise, despite testing many many times, I cannot get data to load into the Test area of Zapier from RingCentral. I’ve never had this problem.

@arrw24 =- That is odd.  For me, the “Call Ended” action does not show Duration. I do notice some other differences though.  My “Action” says “RingOut Web.”  Your’s says “VOIP Call.”  I do not have a URI.  MY ID is numerical. Here is a screenshot of what I see. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @Athar A. Khan,

It looks like our Support Team created a feature request on your behalf regarding this one.

If you have any questions about their resolution, I’d recommend replying to the email of our Support Team.
