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Each day I have different meetings and I'd like to be able to see all of them at the start of the day, without needing to go to Google Calendar.

I'm always in Slack, so I think that it would be handy to have a Slack message sent every morning at 8am with all of my meetings for the day in it.

What would be the best way to do that with Zapier?

Hey Danvers! You can accomplish this workflow in 2 Zaps, using the built-in Formatter, Digest, Filter, and Schedule apps. Here is how you'll want to lay them out:

Zap 1

The purpose of this Zap is to grab all of the events in the next 23 hours and add them to a digest at 7am tomorrow morning.

  • Trigger: Event Start Google Calendar - 23 hours before the event
  • Action: Formatter (Date/Time) to format the date of the event into a readable time (optional)
  • Action: Digest - Append Entry and Schedule Data.

Zap 2

The purpose of this Zap is to pull the events out of digest and post this list to Slack.

  • Trigger: Schedule (Run Every Day at 8 am)
  • Action: Digest - Find Digest (the one created in Zap 1)
  • Action: Filter - check to see if there are events in the digest
  • Action: Digest - Release Existing Digest (the one Found in step 2)
  • Action: Slack - send direct message with the output of the Digest

Here's what the Zap setup should look like:

Hope that gets you what you need!

If you're using Outlook, Slack has the Outlook app doing that quite nicely :

@iDog I haven't seen the Outlook Slack app before, that's pretty cool. I don't use Outlook myself, but I like the feature of being able to RSVP to a meeting directly in Slack :)

@Danvers - the Slack <> Google Calendar App actually does this natively. No need for Zapier.

Here's a sample of what I receive each morning:

image.pngIf I recall, I also have the option to edit my RSVP for each event up until the start of each event.

Check it out. Sounds like it may be exactly what you're looking for!