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I have a field (text string) that has 20 possible options, i.e. below




How can I format the string to remove underscores and properly capitalize . i.e. “NO_CREDIT_FILE” would be No Credit File


I thought of using Paths but Paths is limited to only 10 paths and I have 20. I would prefer not to make multiple zaps


Hi there @Iggy,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

You might have to use Code by Zapier for this to be possible.

I used the Run Javascript event and “Generate with AI” to help me get the correct code and here’s the result:

(view larger)

(view larger)

Here’s the code

// Check if inputData is defined and contains the original_text field

if (inputData && inputData.original_text) {

    const inputText = inputData.original_text;


    // Function to format text by removing underscores and converting to title case

    function formatText(text) {

        return text

            .replace(/_/g, ' ') // Replace underscores with spaces

            .toLowerCase() // Convert all characters to lowercase

            .split(' ') // Split the text into an array of words

            .map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)) // Capitalize first letter of each word

            .join(' '); // Join the array back into a string



    const formattedText = formatText(inputText);


    return { formatted_text: formattedText };

} else {

    return { error: "Input text is undefined or empty." };



Hopefully, this helps!

Hi @Iggy 

Try the concept of a Lookup Table:



Here’s another approach using Formatter steps

  1. Action: Formatter > Text > Split
    1. Separator: _
    2. Segment Index: All (as Line Items)
  2. Action: Formatter > Text > Titlecase
  3. Action: Formatter >. Utilities > Line Items to Text
    1. Separator: r:space:]




