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How can I create conditional logic with a dynamic table

I have created a table used as a dropdown for a form, where I have a field that needs to be conditionally required when a specific value is set.  When trying to setup the logic, it states it is an invalid condition.


Dropdown table:





field of “Date” is required when previous field is set to Submitted.


Any suggestions why this is not working?

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Community Manager
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  • February 12, 2024

Hey there @iNick, thanks for joining the Community here! 👋

Can you tell us which app you’re building that conditional logic in? For example, is it that you’re using Zapier Interfaces to build the form with that logic? 

If so, it should be possible to add conditional logic to a required Date field so that it’s only shown if the dropdown field is set to “Submitted”. But, it wouldn’t allow you to have the Date field be either required or not required, based on which option was selected. It only allows you to show or hide the required field.

Any further details or screenshots you can share of the current field setup and the full error message you’re running into would be much appreciated as we’re unable to look into your account. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing. Once we’ve got a bit more context on the current setup we should be better able to advise on what might be causing an error here.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!

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  • 4 replies
  • February 14, 2024

Hi @SamB thank you for your reply.  I’ve added a screenshot of what’s happening when trying to add conditional logic to my Date Filed, when Status = Submitted, and the value field is Disabled.  This form was created in interfaces and my statuses were created in Tables.

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  • February 15, 2024

Thanks for sending over that super helpful screenshot @iNick - I can better understand the issue you’re having now! 🙂 

I’m unable to recreate that on my end but I do have two theories I’d like you to test from your side:

1) Is this browser-related?
It could be that the validation error is somehow disabling the field in certain browsers. Can you try logging into Zapier Interfaces within a different web browser like Google Chrome for example to see whether that allows you to successfully add the conditional logic to the Date Filed field?

2) Is this related to the field being a Dropdown field?

Perhaps there’s a bug where that particular field type only allows certain conditions to be used. To test this can you try selecting a different condition type such as “Is one of” and see if that then allows you to set up the logic like this:


Thanks for your help on this. I’ll be keeping an eye out for your response! 

  • Author
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  • February 16, 2024

hi @SamB I’ve tried different browsers (edge and firefox) and still the same result as chrome.

Also, I’ve tried all other conditions within all 3 browsers and again the same result.

This will work if I were to create static values for the dropdown, but this prevents me from editing, adding or removing values.  Any changes would require me to delete the field and create another, which is not ideal nor efficient.

Any other suggestions?

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  • February 19, 2024

Thanks for giving those a try, @iNick

When using a dynamic source instead of a static list if you made change to the available options in the table’s dropdown field, like changed the name of an option for example, then you’d need to reselect field in the conditional logic on the form to ensure it’s referencing the correct option. Totally agree that’s not the most efficient use of time so I’d recommend submitting a feature request here to have the existing conditional logic automatically updated when the options are changed in the table. 

If the field to select a value is appearing as disabled still and not allowing you to select a value then it could be a bug that you’re running into here. At this point I’d recommend reaching out to the Interfaces team directly about this (you can use the same form that's used for the feature request). They’ll be able to take a closer look into this and help troubleshoot further. 

Eager to ensure you’re all set so please do keep us updated on how you get on with them!