Hi there! I’m pretty new to Zapier. We hired someone to set up our Zaps to connect ThriveCart and Learnworlds. The way it was set up is that there is an individual zap for every product or bump that a customer can purchase or refund. I’m not familiar with sub-zaps or pathways, but I’m wondering if there is a more efficient way of setting this up. I am currently using 15 of 20 of my zaps on my plan, but a ridiculously low number of tasks.
I know this may be ridiculously simple for some, but I’m unfortunately not able to wrap my head around it! Any advice on how to combine and reduce the number of zaps I’m using would be super helpful! Thanks!
BTW I have included screenshots of the list of our zaps as well as one of my zaps.
Zap list:
Single Zap: