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Hi everyone,

with your help I was able to take a very big step towards automating an important part of my payroll. Thank you everyone!

So I have set up a zap from ClickUp to Google Sheets, it basically gives me a lot of important information about tasks such as:

  • Project type
  • Start date
  • Due date
  • Assignee

The only information I want to automatically synchronize which is not yet showing is the closed date.

Ofcourse the task is only closed after a specific interval, usually about 5-10 working days.

Is there any way to enhance my current zap so that it also syncs this information?
Your help is greatly appreciated!


kind regards and have a great weekend guys :) 


Hi @MischaDR99 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your current Zap steps are configured to help give us more context, thanks.

Thanks for your reply @Troy Tessalone really appreciate your help! :) 

Here are screenshots of how I have currently set up my Zap

Let me know if you need anything else


I have chosen the event '’task changes'’ instead of '’new task'’ since it otherwise wouldn't sync the project number (which I add manually after the client have submitted the form)


Because the event I chose is '’task changes'’ I have set this trigger to '’assignee added'’ so that it does sync the project name which was entered by me manually. Only after that I add the assignee 
As you can see there is no data to be found yet for the delivered date since this usually takes about 5-10 working days after the initial form submission and thus creation of the task.



You would need another Zap configured to detect when the Asana Task date is populated, to then find/update the GSheet Row.

@Troy Tessalone thank you very much for this answer! I actually took the time to configure this zap and I can confirm it works now!

I did however run into another issue, but let me give you a bit of context first.

Since we're a design agency we usually have to deal with revisions from the client so therefore a specific task is put to the status '’finished'’ multiple times.

The zap unfortunately keeps updating the task closed data which I actually don't want. I only want to see the date of the 1st delivery in my google sheets.

I have done some research and found that I could get this to work by creating a new custom field in ClickUp but this isn't the most convenient way to solve the situation since it requires some additional manual work.

What I also tried is creating another status in clickup called '’1st delivery'’. I just wasn't able to export the actual date and time of when a task was moved into this status.

I was wondering if you know any other way to stop the zap from updating the cell value more than once?

Hereby I share how I have currently set up my zap:







Try adding a Filter step between the 2 GSheet steps, with a condition that checks if the 1st Delivered Date ID is empty.


Thanks @Troy Tessalone this makes so much sense right now, LOL.

I guess I was too much in my head yesterday haha. Anyways thanks for all the help you provided, really appreciate it. 

Hope you have a wonderful day 😄