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I have a BigCartel Store that is connected to stripe. I run an athletic training program that requires people to select groups and times. What is the best platform to do this. How do I get it sent out along with the required waiver (on DocuSign) after they checkout on my BigCartel store.

Hi @Twanjr_24 You can try something like this:

  1. Trigger: Order completed on BigCartel or Payment Received on Stripe
  2. Action: Send out docusign (or you can use eWaiverPro which is another tool that I heard does this)

You can also map out the names, waiver and payment statuses on a google sheet for tracking purposes.

Hi @Twanjr_24,


We just wanted to see how everything is going with your Zap. Did Fiona’s recommendation get the job done? If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out. We're happy to address any concerns and assist you.


We're looking forward to your response.