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I'm trying to set up a process where after someone submits a form on JotForm, they get a summary on Google Slides and then a QR code by email that links to it. But there's a snag: submissions need approval first, and Zapier's JotForm integration only kicks in at the "New Submission" stage, not post-approval.

My workaround was using Zapier to spot the approval email in Gmail and use that as a go-ahead to send out the QR code email. The hiccup now? This last crucial email with the QR code isn't sending to the submitter.


Hi @MRANTI  , alright, so most probably the filter isn’t working. Can you post history of your zaps including where the filter step filtered the information. I would like to see the screenshot of what input data comes in the filter step, and what output data was. 


Basically the filter steps takes in certain value and only proceed with the value is found. If the correct value is not found, it doesn’t proceed to the next step. So that’s step 1 in debugging. 


You can go to Zap history and find out the last run zap to check out the detailed logs. 


Step 2 in debugging

If the filter is running correctly, can you make sure to test trigger an individual email at Step 6. May be use your email id to test it from within the zapier editor. Double check if you receive the email and there are no issues with the content or values that you’re setting within the email. 


This will ensure that email step is properly configured and there are no glitches there. 


Any screenshots would be appreciated so I can guide to the right direction. 


It looks like the process halts at step 4.

My main guess is that the Zap is executing before the approval email is sent out, which would explain why it fails to find any emails with the matching subject.

Data Out: _zap_search_was_found_status: false




Got it. So basically you’re using 2 variables from within the first response. I believe you should remove those. Why? Because, the submission of the jotform is at a different time then approval. Hence, the approval email wouldn’t necessarily have the exact entries from the above, it could be against a different entry. 

Additionally, you need to change your trigger to approval email then. Once you find approval, only then create the QR code, create the presentation etc, and then deliver it to the client. 

In the filter:

Instead just use the string “your request has been approved.” and then test it. I am assuming this exact string will only be passed when approval is done for such cases. 


Or if you have control over the approval emails, maybe add a unique phrase to it “Your presentation is approved” or something similar. This will ensure that only presentation emails are filtered out and nothing else that might have a similar text in some other approval emails. 


And then it should run just fine. Happy to answer any questions. 

Thanks for the advice! We've tried initiating the process with the approval email as suggested. However, we've hit a snag because each JotForm submission generates a unique ID. We rely on this ID to create Google Slides presentations and QR code that are tailored to each individual submission's data. For us, its important to have those two variables, especially the unique ID.

If we use the string “your request has been approved.”, then will it detect all other 10 emails with the exact string since there is no unique ID to differentiate it?

Current Flow:


Hey @MRANTI , hope you’re doing well. Were you able to try our Zapier parser as discussed? 
Looking forward to hearing back from you on the updated solution.