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Hi.  I am creating a Zap that adds a row to a google table.   I don’t want to add the record if one already exists for a person.  How can I check first to see if the record exists before adding a new one.  The unique identifiers are email address and name.  I don’t have access to the id to check for existing record at the time the record is created.  I am getting data back from a third party and they don’t have the id to send me.  



Hi @RBailey 

Good question.

Try this Zap action: GTables - Find/Create Row


I have looked at that, in fact, I have used it in other scenarios. As far as I can tell, you can only filter on one field.  In my case, I can have multiple records with the same email address but a different patient name.  A person could file a claim for themselves with their email address but as a parent, they can also file a claim for the child with the same email address.  I am trying to get the third party to send me a “patient Id” to store that would be truly unique but I was trying to come up with a solution in the meantime using email and patient name.





Try this…

Create a new formula field that concatenates both data points.

Then in the Zap you can map both data points in the search field.

Good idea.  I will give that a shot.



That works.  It seems kind of a hack but in lieu of having any other unique identifier, I guess it’s the only option for now.


