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How are tasks counted for steps that lookup multiple Google Sheets rows? And email steps with multiple recipients?

  • 9 July 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi :grinning:

I have a Zap which includes a ‘Find Many Spreadsheet Rows (With Line Item Support) in Google Sheets’ step. I am just wondering, would that step count as 1 task, or would a new task be counted for each matched row?


Similarly, in the same Zap, I have a ‘Send Outbound Email’ step. The email may be sent to multiple recipients. In fact, the number of recipients is the same as the number of matched rows in the aforementioned step. Would Zapier count this step as 1 task, or would a new task be counted for each email recipient?


I am just trying to work out which pricing plan I would need, so finding out the answer to this would be super helpful. 


Thank you,

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @ffion - great question!


For the Find Many Rows step, that would be counted as one task, essentially Zapier is going out once to find all of the rows. 


For the Send Outbound email task it depends how the action is sending the email. If all of the recipients are in a list on one email (eg they’re all in the BCC list) then that would count as one task. If you have a different step in the Zap for each individual email, that would count as one task per email sent.


I hope that clears things up!



Thanks so much for that, that’s great news and really helpful :grinning: