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Hello - I’m trying to setup a Zap that triggers when someone opens an email from a Mail Chimp Automation, but the zap cannot find the automation that I created.  I have set the automation to track opens and clicked links, I’m using the Mail Chimp Zap connector trigger of “Opened Emails” or “Clicks Link”, and it cannot find it.  Is this just a gap in the tool or am I doing something wrong?  There is data in the automation as you can see below. 



Hi @mmarsh 

I think there needs to be a real open or a click for the specific Mailchimp automation in order for there to be data sent to Zapier so that can then be selected in the Zap step.

Thank you for the quick reply!  I do have real opens though from the automation to my email.  Is there something else I need? 




Has there been an email opened AFTER you created the Zap trigger?


Yes, I’m positive.  this email came 7 hours ago and I just opened it and it’s still not registering in the zap.  




If you know the ID of the Automation, then you can try setting that using the ‘Custom’ tab.


That worked!  I had to find the ID of the automation and the specific email in the automation (both via query strings in the URL when you view in mail chimp). 


The wizard essentially doesn’t find anything until you do the test step.  Thank you so much for your help!