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Help! Take screenshot of an email and text it to the email recipient

  • 27 September 2020
  • 2 replies

Hello fellow Zapers (Zappers?),

I’m very new to Zapier. Love it so far, but a little challenged, esp w/ a new zap request.
So please forgive this long(ish) post.

I have a website redesign client who **never** checks email. Despite my insistence that my protocol and workflow supports email and phone support only, I’ve broken protocol and agreed to send her a screenshot whenever I have an update to any of the redesign phases for her review.  

Currently, I’m doing this manually:
1. Create and send the email
I use Google Apps, but normally send email via Apple Mail w/ Google Apps account as primary. 
My account automatically bcc’s me.
2. Take a screenshot of the email via Cloudapp
3. Copy the CloudApp link.
3. Manually text her the Cloudapp link.

I’m on a Mac, so it’s “easy enough,” but I’m trying to simplify my workflow as much as possible.

Thus, I would love to have an automated Zap to streamline this process.

I first looked at GetScreenshot and thought I could use this, and then add another Zap step w/ another app. However, GetScreenshot wasn’t sure it could be accomplished easily and suggested Parse by Zapier, but I’m not sure this is the best solution. 

If anyone has a Zap that can get me started, I would be forever grateful!

Thanks so much in advance.    

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I can think of a couple of different ways that you could do this, depending on where/how you wanted to add in the Zap side of things:


The simplest is to use Push by Zapier. With that, you install an extension on your browser and can set up a Zap that triggers when you use it. In this case, you’d set it up so that you enter the screenshot url and that triggers a Zap, which sends a text to your client (using SMS by Zapier). 

Another option would be to include a screenshot of the email at the bottom of the email. You could then use something like the Email Parser or the Formatter by Zapier to extract the url and send it as a text. Exactly how you do that depends on what email you use (eg Gmail, outlook. etc).


Hopefully that gets you pointed in the right direction :) 

Userlevel 1

Great, thank you, Danvers! I’ll give those options a try!