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Help integrating PayPal into Infusionsoft/Keap

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to integrate Paypal to Infusionsoft/Keap so that when someone makes a purchase through Paypal (with a Buy Now button), they automatically get created as a contact in Infusionsoft.

I have managed to find a simple Zap to do the above, but my problem is that I have no way to identify those Infusionsoft contacts that have come through Paypal.

I’d like to be able to apply a tag to those contact,s but can’t see a Zap that offers me more options like that?

Many thanks,


Hi @KellySmith 

Try adding this action step in your Zap



Your zap should begin with the Trigger “Successful Sale in Paypal”. 


Following by the Action: “Create/Update Contact in Keap Max Classic”


Make sure to use the included email address from the Trigger/Step 1 in the Action/Step 2.