When I try to connect to my on-premise SQL server, I got following error
authentication failed: Could not connect with zapiercon and provided password. The response we got from the server is included below for debugging purposes. (pyodbc.Error) ('08001', '[08001] [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect to data source (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')
For sure, I open my firewall because I am able to connect to my SQL server from Google Sheet and SQL Management Studio remotely.
Best answer by steph.nBest answer by steph.n
Sharing the answer here:
The following two resources might help to troubleshoot this:
I really wish I could provide better assistance here, but as we're not able to look into the server, it is impossible for us to know where it goes wrong. I'm not sure how critical this is for you, but if you're not able to troubleshoot it, you might always consult a Zapier-Certified Expert:
Looks like you’ve got a conversation going with our Support team and they’re helping you out with this! If you have any further questions you can reply to that thread :)
I really wish I could provide better assistance here, but as we're not able to look into the server, it is impossible for us to know where it goes wrong. I'm not sure how critical this is for you, but if you're not able to troubleshoot it, you might always consult a Zapier-Certified Expert:
I have recently experienced a problem with the SQL Server Premium app suddenly being unable to connect to my SQL Server 2008 R2 DB server. It started on Thursday, Jan 26, 2023. I get the same error as Delphiman (above). It has worked from creation of the 47 Zaps that are affected (some go back to over a year ago) until this week. There seems to be no remedy and no stated reason why this happened? I believe the evidence points to an upgrade of FREE TDS to perhaps version 7.3. I can’t confirm that though. All I know is that 47 Zaps are no longer functioning.