we are facing issue with Zapier connection between Facebook Lead Gen Ads and ON24 Webinar Registration
- Seems like the country code from Facebook Leadgen form is not compatible to ON24 form requirement
e.g if someone filled Singapore in FB leadgen form, it will be sending as country code "SG" to ON24 through Zapier and ON24 doesn't understand SG as Singapore.
Best answer by Liz_Roberts
Hi @hein.aungthu ,
Thanks for reaching out!
I see you have been working with Ryan in Support on this- it looks like ON24's API documentation, relays that they use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 set of country codes in their addresses. In order to solve this issue, you could create a lookup table to help match country codes from Facebook Lead Ads to ON24's requirements.
I see you have been working with Ryan in Support on this- it looks like ON24's API documentation, relays that they use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 set of country codes in their addresses. In order to solve this issue, you could create a lookup table to help match country codes from Facebook Lead Ads to ON24's requirements.