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Harvest trigger workarounds for member accounts?

  • 10 February 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello! I am new to Zapier, so forgive me if this question seems silly.

I am a freelancer and have a Harvest member account to track time for one of my clients. They exclusively use Harvest for their organization and require all consultants to record their time there.

However, I use FreshBooks for my own time tracking and invoicing.

Right now, this means that every time entry must be manually entered in both Harvest and FreshBooks.

Since it doesn’t seem to be possible to create a Zap trigger using a Harvest member account (administrators only), are there any workarounds for transferring Harvest member account time entries to other systems, like FreshBooks?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @bassbelle, welcome to the Community, where there are no silly questions!

Is it possible to set up email notifications for yourself when you add a time entry in Harvest? Or for Harvest to send you a summary of all time entries for the week? 

If you can, then you could use a tool like Email Parser by Zapier (or another email parsing app) to pull the information from the email and create a new time entry in FreshBooks. 

Let us know if that points you in the right direction or if you need any extra info!