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I have a complex Estimation s Spreadsheet in Google sheets.  * indicates steps that I am stuck on.

  1. I Created Google form to act as data capture for New Quote Requests
  2. Made a Zap that Creates a new Folder name based on the estimate #  in my form response spreadsheet  
  3. *I need to input the entire line of data from the Form Submission into my Estimate Spreadsheet Template (Sheet 1 row 3 ) but it keeps posting all of the information into Cell A3 rather than into each individual cell in row 3
  4. My Zap then Creates a Copy of my estimate template and re names it  based on the Job #
  5. *I want this New Estimate spreadsheet to save into the new folder I created in step 2
  6. *I want to have a sub folder that is created in each new folder from step 2

If anyone has any input on steps 3,5,6 it would be greatly appreciated

@Aspen Jam would you be able to share some screenshots or screen-recording of your current setup so we can better troubleshoot? 

Hey @Aspen Jam

Usually with Google Forms, each answer comes through in a separate field that can be selected for the different cells on the spreadsheet row. But if you’re looking to split up text contained within a single answer field then you might need a Formatter (Text > Split Text) action to split the information out into separate fields. You can find out more about how to do that here: Modify text formats in Zaps

To have the new estimate spreadsheet added into the folder that the Zap creates, you’d want to use the Move File action for Google Drive. This should allow you to specify the folder using the ID (using the Custom value option) that’s given by the Create Folder Google Drive step.

To add a sub folder within the new folder, you’ll want to select the folder ID from the previous Create Folder step for the Parent Folder field.

Hope that helps. If you run into any issues on that, please let us know. We’re here to help!

Hi @Aspen Jam, to double-check, did the previous suggestion help with your question?