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Gravity Forms trigger - only sample data values available

  • 17 June 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi, I’m trying to complete a Zap which is triggered with a Gravity Form request. But I can’t complete it because it never loads any newly submitted data, just the Bilbo Baggins test data. I can’t finish the zap without actual real data. Why won’t it load recently submitted data?

The zap is live and working, but only because I have hard coded some of the data that should be coming in from the zap.


Thanks, Tim

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Tim B 

Errors in Testing/Blank Test data

Gravity Forms has blank sample data to start with so Zapier can recognize all the fields from the form. To test your Zap with real data, you'll need to do 3 things:

  1. Submit the form you have set up yourself, being sure to fill out all fields
  2. Go to the test option of the trigger step of your zap and click the "Re-test Gravity Forms" button in the lower left. This will pull new trigger data.
  3. Go to test option of the action step of your zap and select the "Re-test (action app)" button. This will create a new test with the new trigger data.

You should now see sample data appearing when clicking on the "Insert Fields" button.