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Hi i have a  gravity form that allows people  to  enter  a  raffle-  they get to guess at something (number of  steps  taken by an individual on a specific day) and  the number of  guesses  that they  get is  dependent on the  level of  the  donation.  The  guesses are held in a gravity forms list  field.

Id like each submission  to create a row in airtable for  each guess with the  other  fields   name  phone email and  so  on just repeated

This  way  at  the  end of  the  contest  we  can sort on the  guess column to  see who got  closest.


I  this  doable  somehow?




Hi @SteveB 

Try using the Looping app in the Zap:

Thanks Troy  that looks like it will do it  perfectly


Appreciate  the pointer