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I want to create a Zap from Gravity Form submission which creates a new spreadsheet then in THAT spreadsheet creates new rows with data from form submission. I got the first step in creating the new sheet but can’t figure out how to then enter new rows into that just created sheet.


When I try an set it up ask which sheet to send to but I don’t see an option for it to go to the sheet it just created.


Is this even possible?



I suggest trying this…

  1. Trigger: Gravity Forms - New Form Submission
  2. Action: GDrive - Copy File (should be a template that already has headers)
  3. Action: GSheets - Add Row (will get the Spreadsheet ID from Step 2 and Worksheet ID = 0)

I think you should create  a spreadsheet beforehand because it s not an action you wanna be doing each time you get a new subscription (you want to create a spreadsheet you re gonna use to receive your leads) so as @Troy Tessalone suggested you should create a spreadsheet, then a single action is needed I think wich is action : Gsheets add row


so I don’t think the copy file from Gdrive step is a good idea, since it will be creating a new spreadsheet file each time you get a submission

 i suggest you create one spreadsheet with as many sheets as many forms you have and dedicate each sheet to a specific form or create multiple spreadsheets each one dedicated to a form, then use that spreadsheet and its several sheets or the several spreadsheets to create your zaps

Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?