
Google Spreadsheet row creation in different columns

  • 24 April 2020
  • 2 replies


I am trying to get this community post automatically create a row in google spreadsheet with the different field values for each different column


I have zapier setup using

Discourse “new post” → Google Spreadsheet “new/update row” in spreadhsheet

I selected a multiple variables in discourse post fields. 

But when it comes to Google Spreadsheet, it just goes into one column with all the field values..


Is there a way for us to separate each field into different column?


Thank you all for your knowledge sharing!


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @extracredit, welcome to the Community!


It’s odd that all the data is going into the same column. You should be able to see each column in the Sheet as a separate field, in which you can add the different pieces of information from the Discord Post.  If you’re not seeing those, trying clicking the ‘Refesh fields’ button at the bottom of the ‘Customize Spreadsheet Row’ section - that will go back to the sheet to check the columns to see what fields should be in the Zap.


If that doesn’t work, could you please post a screenshot of the customize Spreadsheet Row section of the Zap showing all of the fields that you can see there?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @extracredit

It’s been a while but we wanted to check back on this issue. I’m afraid we have not heard back from you so we were wondering if you still needing assistance with this issue? I know you had a great chat going on with Danvers so please let us know if you still need our help. Thanks!