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I'd like to make the date from a cell in a Google Sheet the trigger for sending a Slack notification with row contents (or just 1 cell will suffice).

How do I set this up? Or is there a better solution to this?

Hi @kacper

So, Zapier can either trigger on a new row, or a unique change to an existing row.

By the sounds of it, you want to change the date and then have it trigger? If so, you can by either changing the date in that cell manually, or have another zap change it automatically.

Does that make sense?

Ok, so here's some more context: I have a sheet with all my ongoing experiments and each row has an end date - when the experiment should be concluded and analyzed. So when the day of analyzing the experiment comes, I'd like to get a notification.


If there will be less than 10 experiments every day, then you can use the "Find Many Spreadsheet Rows" Google Sheets search step.

Screen Shot 2019-12-02 at 23.17.45.png

Your zap would trigger with a "Schedule by Zapier step"m running every day. You can then use a "Formatter->Date/Time->Format" step to take the trigger timestamp and turn it into the same date format as your Google Sheet, and then use that as a search value in the Google Sheets step to return all the rows with a matching date.

If your end dates are always a set number of days from the begin date of the experiment there is a way you can achieve this in Airtable. You simply create a field "days since" which calculates the number of days since the begin date. You then create a view with a filter like this:

image.pngYou then use updates to that view as a trigger. So, in the above example, as soon as any records hit the "3 days since" point, it will trigger any zap you wish it to.

Andrew, Chris - thanks a lot guys!
