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Google Sheets to Slack, triggered by cells from differents collums

  • 20 April 2020
  • 3 replies


Im having troubles with this task.

I have a spreadsheet with some prices and i have a team that works with them to sell products. But this prices varies all the time and I need that the slack send a message always there are a modification.

I tried to make it here and it seems to work at first. But then hundreds of notifications come up and i dont know why.

Could someone help me?

Ps: Sorry for my english, not a native speaker.

Hi @silveirajoao ,

Thanks for reaching out- sorry you’re being bombarded with notifications here!

To help us dig in, can you send a screenshot of your configuration? 

Also, am I correct that you are looking for a Slack message to populate when the price changes for any of the products within your GoogleSheeet? 

There are 11 collumns in my sheet. Each represents some category of products. The lines represents the price of some seller for that product. 


     Product X  Product Y 

Seller A    2,0       2,3

Seller B    1,9       2,6

Seller C     2,3      2,5


I want to send a slack message in a channel when some line has a update. Then I created eleven triggers. 

When this happens..

1. New or Updated Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets

Do this …

2. Send Channel Message in Slack


But after a while, there a bug that creates hundreads of tasks and messages. I dont know why it is happenning.

Hi @silveirajoao!

It seems that we'll need to investigate this further, so I'm escalating this to our Support team. They can provide you with the attention you need to resolve this issue in a timely fashion.

Sorry to bounce you around, but they really will be best equipped to help you out with this one :)

If there's any way you could update this thread once your issue has been resolved, we’d very much appreciate it! Then, anyone who comes across the thread can benefit from the answer.
