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Google Form to Detailed Calendar Event: Zap pulls incorrect dateTime value

  • 13 February 2021
  • 17 replies

In my Google Form to Google Detailed Calendar Event zap, the dateTime value assigned (TIME) is not being generated to the calendar correctly. 

Instead, the zap is pulling my current time, but with the correct date data (DATE) assigned.




As you can see, the data from the sheet has a date value of 2/15 (correctly pulled by zap) and a time value of 7:30am which is incorrectly pulled by the zap.


The zap instead applies the current timestamp when the event is generated.

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17 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @jhollis 

Check this help link:

My events are being created for the wrong date and/or time

There are a few reasons why events might be created for the wrong time or date by a Zap...

"Is your detailed event appearing in the calendar for the same time the Zap ran?

This may happen if the start and end time/date are invalid. Events created with an invalid start or end date will be created for the time your Zap runs"


This is the closest help tip to my problem, but how a default Google start and end time could be invalid doesn't track for me.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Can you provide screenshots of how the data is on the GSheet in order to trace and troubleshoot?


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

The TIME on the screenshot of the GSheet shows 7:30AM so it appears the Zap is pulling the correct data point value.


Try setting a different END TIME for the event.

e.g. Is the event 30 minutes long?

The end time is set to +1H spaced once from the time. And yes, it's seeing 7:30, but it's applying the time the zap generates the calendar event. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Please provide a screenshot of where you have the +1H set, thanks.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Why is “time” hardcoded for the End Date & Time?

It is the start time for a calendar event and then 1 hour from the start time. From a form question in Google forms. How else would one schedule a calendar event if not from a form input?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

The word “time” should not be hardcoded in the End Date & Time.

So I have to name the time field something other than time because it breaks the zap? Lol...

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Try replacing the hardcoded word “time” with a single space.

Oh! I see what you're saying now. I just have screen grabbed at the wrong moment, that's not how that field reads. It reads as:



And just for the record, it still generates the event start time consistent when the zap generates.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Try adding a single space between the dynamic variables for DATE and TIME in each of the Start/End fields.

That was it! Didn’t read any tips on that being a potential problem or a requirement so it didn’t occur to me; Thank you!