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Google Drive Find Folder action - using with nested folders

  • 29 June 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi there,
I want to know that, Is there any way to manage Action ‘Find A Folder’ with the whole path (i.e. ‘My Files/Important/Favorites') on Google Drive?

Right now, It takes only Folder Name and Parent Folder for the ‘Find A Folder’ action. So, It’s become a very long process to reach my destination folder every time. Because the path of the folder changes every time.

For example, If I want to set a path for my folder as 'My Files/Important/20210629 (current date)' then, Currently, I have to call a 'hook URL'  3 times to find the folder.

Is there any way to make this thing simpler?



Hi @osensnolf 

You do not need to specify a path in order to successfully use that action. The Find Folder action only requires the folder name. Unless you have multiple folders with the same name, I would suggest leaving the Parent Folder field blank. 

I have folder management like this

As mention above I have same folder structure in all my project folder and this is same structure I want to create in Google drive.

If I want to create a new project and create same folder structure or find ‘Customer Details’ folder in project A then how suppose to manage that with zapier.


Hi @osensnolf 

You may have to use multiple GDrive Find Folder steps in your Zap to dynamically go thru the nested folder structure you’ve created.

@Troy Tessalone is correct. Zapier is very 1-1. If you wanted to create a new project with the same folder structure you would need multiple create folder actions that work together to go deeper into the structure. 

Likewise, if you wanted to find Customer Details folder in Project A you would need to specify to at the very least look in Project A folder, otherwise Google Drive might return any of the Customer Details folders.