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Google Cal to Slack

  • 18 May 2020
  • 2 replies


I’ve got a calendly invite which is setup everyday (monday - Friday) for a maximum of 32 people. Each morning let’s say 9:00am I would like to post the names and amount of people attending that day. So far, what i’ve done is linked calendly to google cal and used the below. 


First Zap Grabs Data from Google Cal and stores


Second Zap posts stored data each morning


This produces strange results like 2 entries. How would I go about fixing and any tips appreciated. Is there a way I could pull this data straight from Calendly maybe. 




Hi @Bazdoctor!

So this is just for a single event? If you’re getting unintended results, you may want to consider adding a search term here, if you haven’t already:


Is it possible that you’re adding multiple events to the digest, so when you release it you end up with more items than you expected? Or maybe when you were testing the Zaps you added ites to the digest, and then when it got released it contained those test items?

Hi @Bazdoctor! Did adding a search term in the Google Calendar step help here? If not, were you able to find another way around the issue you were having?