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i would like to archive all my email on airtable.

When i test it's ok, but when zap is running, i have error :

Task stopped due to data flow restriction (blocked). Zapier is unable to send data to the app you have configured in this Zap. Gmail limits what apps may receive data from their service. You can find more information on this here:

someone can help me ?


@franck Welcome to the Zapier Community.

This is a known limitation that Google has placed on it's non-business gmail accounts. You can read about it here.

There are two options, 1: change to a business (paid for) google account, OR 2: use Google Spreadsheets as a middleman.

I'll explain option #2 here. If you want to choose option 1 there are other communities for supporting the change to a business account.

For option #2 follow these steps:

  • Create a Google Spreadsheet called "Gmail Middleman" put the names of whatever data you want to put into airtable in the first row, for example: From, Subject, Date, Body (and anything else you want to have has columns/fields in Airtable
  • Change the step in your existing zap that creates a new record in airtable to be a "create new spreadsheet row" in google sheets. point to the "Gmail Middleman" spreadsheet and for each of the columns you gave headers for (ie From, Subject, Date, Body) choose the value you want from the trigger step (gmail)
  • Create a new Zap that triggers on a new spreadsheet row. Point that trigger to the "Gmail Middleman" spreadsheet
  • For the action step on the second zap do a "create Record" in Airtable and use the information from your trigger step (ie: From, Subject, Date, Body) to fill in your airtable values.

You will now have your email logged in two places, Google Sheets and Airtable.

@PaulKortman Sorry to butt in, but I just have to try 🙂 What is the best way to pull emails to the "middleman" that are historical? Zapier mainly gives options to add info if triggered by new email. Is there an option to include gemails from certain contacts within a certain timeframe and then add them as they arrive going forward? Would it be necessary to have a "middleman" per contact or can multiple contacts be used? Thank you already! Just me :)

@JustMe333 Historical data is a massive issue/topic/concern when working in Zapier. And should be a separate topic.  So feel free to add a separate topic and link it up here, It’ll get better results for you. 


As for the question about using multiple “middleman” spreadsheets, that isn’t needed. You simply need to do your Gmail trigger on “new email matching search” or “new email in label” and then write it to the spreadsheet.

For the new email matching search you could do a search like this: “ after:2004/04/16 OR after:2018/04/16” the OR is the key 

For the new email in a label you can manage the search(es) in Gmail filters and auto add a label (like Zapier-trigger) to emails matching your search requirements. Then the zap will trigger on any email (new within the last two days) that has the label added to it.