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Is this just a limitation of integrating with GMail?

I can see how this might fall under privacy concerns, but it seems odd to not be able to use the actual sender’s email when an email is received by a GMail account.

Am I correct that the GMail trigger does not make the Sender’s email address available?


Hi @mixelpix 

It shows the same when viewing the email in Gmail, so this is not a limitation of the Zap Gmail app.

Example from Gmail:


@Troy Tessalone over on my side of the internet I clearly see the sender’s email address in GMail.

This data, however, is not available within Zapier’s GMail trigger (e.g. to use in a subsequent action)


To clarify, do you mean the sent from name OR the sent from email in the Gmail trigger?


Example of what I see from the Gmail trigger:


Thought: It may have to do if whether the end user is logged in to their Gmail account or note when providing comments. (aka an anonymous users)


Are you able to post screenshots to provide context?

@Troy Tessalone see updates to the above response.  The sender’s e-mail address is clearly displayed in GMail.


Are you able to post screenshots to provide context?

Would need to be Gmail VS Zap for the SAME email

@Troy Tessalone Not at workstation to grab screen captures, tho the examples are from a client’s domain I’d rather not expose here.

Your "From Email" field is akin to what I have available in Zapier.

Seems silly that the Gmail trigger doesn’t make the sender’s email available but from little I know of the GMail API they are very protective of user’s data 🤷🏼‍♂️

@Troy Tessalone example, the Zap’s Gmail trigger is configured to and awaits a new email. sends an email to  The Zap is triggered when the email is received in bob’s inbox.  The trigger passes on "” as the “From Email” which is pretty useless.

@Troy Tessalone not sure what you mean by "Would need to be Gmail VS Zap for the SAME email"


I haven’t experienced what you’re mentioning.


Automated emails from Google about Comments by a User on a GDoc/GSheet/etc. will include these details, for example when I made comments on a GDoc...

From Name: Troy Tessalone (Google Docs)

From Email:


Whereas regular emails (not via automated emails from Google products) between users would show their From Name and From Email.

@Troy Tessalone thanks - I appreciate the confirmation that the GMail trigger is supposed to make the sender’s email addy available to subsequent actions… not sure how the gdoc response email got in the mix (is a dedicated account, I’m not the admin but maybe someone logged into it 🤷🏼‍♂️).  I’ll check the Zap history when I’m back at the pewtr & otherwise’ll see what gets delivered the next time the zap runs.  Best!

@Troy Tessalone 🙈

LoL - you hit the nail on the head - was just a bunk test case 😅

The Zapier action works just fine.
