I have a similar issue where I receive a weekly email which includes multiple excel files. The file names are always the same and I have been able to set up a google drive file replace when a single file is received.
However, although I use search string for the file name, the wrong file keeps replacing when I am testing the zap. The replace file keeps selecting the first attachment, not the third attachment which is my target.
Zap setup: Gmail Attachment, replace file in Google Drive
Search string: “filename: urban-rest-the-collins_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bed.xlsx”
Find data displays the correct email with the attachments listed in order (the 3rd attachment is what I am after):
Part 1, filename: urban-rest-the-chalmers_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bedroom.xlsx
Part 2, file name xxxx.zip
Part 3, filename: urban-rest-the-collins_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bed.xlsx
I then have a filter to only continue if ‘Attachment Details Filename’ text exactly equals “urban-rest-the-collins_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bed.xlsx”
A filter test states ‘Your Zap would not have continued’ as it is only picking up the first attachment: urban-rest-the-chalmers_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bedroom.xlsx
I have read the zap runs for each attachment so as a test I forwarded the email to myself. The file did not replace so is failing somewhere and I am at a loss as to why!?!
Let me know if anyone had managed to work out selective attachment replacing with gmail/google drive. Would love to jump on a call with any Zapier guru’s out there instead of seeking out an alternative tool!!