
Gmail's Attachment to Google Drive not finding attachment when using Filter by Zapier

  • 29 March 2020
  • 1 reply


I have a similar issue where I receive a weekly email which includes multiple excel files. The file names are always the same and I have been able to set up a google drive file replace when a single file is received.

However, although I use search string for the file name, the wrong file keeps replacing when I am testing the zap. The replace file keeps selecting the first attachment, not the third attachment which is my target. 


Zap setup: Gmail Attachment, replace file in Google Drive

Search string: “filename: urban-rest-the-collins_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bed.xlsx”

Find data displays the correct email with the attachments listed in order (the 3rd attachment is what I am after): 

Part 1, filename: urban-rest-the-chalmers_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bedroom.xlsx

Part 2, file name

Part 3, filename: urban-rest-the-collins_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bed.xlsx


I then have a filter to only continue if ‘Attachment Details Filename’ text exactly equals “urban-rest-the-collins_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bed.xlsx”

A filter test states ‘Your Zap would not have continued’ as it is only picking up the first attachment: urban-rest-the-chalmers_bookingdotcom_lowest_los1_2guests_1-bedroom.xlsx


I have read the zap runs for each attachment so as a test I forwarded the email to myself. The file did not replace so is failing somewhere and I am at a loss as to why!?!

Let me know if anyone had managed to work out selective attachment replacing with gmail/google drive. Would love to jump on a call with any Zapier guru’s out there instead of seeking out an alternative tool!!



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Userlevel 7
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Hi @joe_ell - Thanks for writing to us today! I noticed that you posted in one of our other threads, but I think your report deserves it’s own thread so we can help you further. 

It sounds like you’re on the right track to continue the Zap by filtering if “Attachment Details Filename” is listed with the specific file. However, if you’re testing the Editor itself, it’s likely that it’s only pulling the first attachment from Gmail by default so the Zap works as you would expect. To achieve the desired outcome, we recommend that you turn on your Zap entirely so that when an email does come into Gmail with more than one attachment, the Zap will fire, and it will pass the filter you have selected. 

TL;DR: Turn on your Zap, it should work because in Editor mode, we only pull one attachment.


Please give it a shot and let us know the outcome. Thanks!