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Gmail Orders to Airtable

  • 28 June 2020
  • 5 replies

I’m trying to parse order emails I receive from places like walmart and then insert them into a new line in Airtable. I can’t figure out how to select the information I need

@Shmerg you’ll need to use a tool like Parser by Zapier (included within your Zapier account) OR (possibly an additional cost) to pull out the data in those emails in a usable format within Zapier. 

@Shmerg You should  check out parser by Zapier. I recommend using a few test orders so it learns the correct format and you can edit the template until finds the info correctly consistently.


All the best!

Will I have to  make a different Parser by Zapier mailbox for each seller I purchase from or can I send them all to the same parse box?

@Shmerg I would have a different parse box for each seller, assuming each seller has a different format for the emails. 

It’s just like Seun said, if the templates are different then you’ll need different mailboxes. However if the email templates are the same then you can run them all through the same mailbox (and you can set the mailbox to tell you who the seller is.)