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Getting Spotify Album Art

  • 11 June 2020
  • 2 replies

I am trying to create a zap that adds the album art from songs added in a Spotify playlist to a Pinterest board. The only problem is that Spotify gives this data as multiple links in the same data option so Pinterest isn’t able to parse an image from it.


I’ve tried every other option that Spotify has for images and I’m wondering if there’s any way I can just parse out just one link from something like this or if any workaround exists:

Track Album Images URL:

EDIT: This post was edited by a moderator to remove URLs. Please be careful not to share private information as this is a public Community

Hi @kewpie!

It looks like the image urls are coming in a line item array. You can tell that because in the ‘Find Data’ section of the trigger where you can look at the information that was found, the images are listed under numbers, like this:

In the Zap, that will look like three urls separated by commas, but it’s still line items and so needs to be handled in a specific way. 


Here’s what your Zap will need to look like to get one image url:

  1. Spotify Trigger
  2. Formatter > Utilities > Line item to text. Put the Spotify image urls as the input, the output of this step will look the same in the Zap (a comma separated list) but it will now be a single line of text rather than line items. 
  3. Formatter > Text > Split Text. Add the output of the previous step as the input. Use a comma for the separator, for the segment index, you can either choose to use a specific url each time (eg always use the first one), or you can choose to split the text so that you can have each url as a separate field that you can use in the next step. 
  4. Pintrest action

I hope that’s all clear, let us know if you have any questions!

Hi @kewpie!

It looks like the image urls are coming in a line item array. You can tell that because in the ‘Find Data’ section of the trigger where you can look at the information that was found, the images are listed under numbers, like this:

In the Zap, that will look like three urls separated by commas, but it’s still line items and so needs to be handled in a specific way. 


Here’s what your Zap will need to look like to get one image url:

  1. Spotify Trigger
  2. Formatter > Utilities > Line item to text. Put the Spotify image urls as the input, the output of this step will look the same in the Zap (a comma separated list) but it will now be a single line of text rather than line items. 
  3. Formatter > Text > Split Text. Add the output of the previous step as the input. Use a comma for the separator, for the segment index, you can either choose to use a specific url each time (eg always use the first one), or you can choose to split the text so that you can have each url as a separate field that you can use in the next step. 
  4. Pintrest action

I hope that’s all clear, let us know if you have any questions!


Thank you so much! I ended up just using a Python script to separate the lines. Is that any less efficient compared to Zapier’s Formatter?