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Fuzzy search in google sheets

  • September 26, 2022
  • 7 replies

Hi everyone, 


Is it possible to do a Fuzzy search in Google Sheets? 
Example: I want to find all rows containing “” and extract them etc. 

Can’t find any documentation on this anywhere. 

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7 replies

  • Zapier Staff
  • 123 replies
  • September 26, 2022

Hi @Ratkiff! I’m not sure if you’re asking about fuzzy search in general for Google Sheets or in conjunction with Zapier, so I’ll answer both!

In general, Google Sheets doesn’t naturally include a true fuzzy search which is where you find strong similarities between two fields with a percentage of likelihood that they’re a match. For example, “Jillian” and “Jilian” would have a high percentage of matching. Fortunately there are Google Sheet add ons you can plug in to do a true fuzzy match. I’ve used a few and they work well.

However, the example you’re giving wouldn’t require a fuzzy match. It would be a substring search. A quick search for “google sheets search contains partial text” brought up a ton of solutions.

Now… on the Zapier side of things - you’ll want to check out Filters and use the “contains” functionality. You can see more about it here:

Hope this helps!!

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 28, 2022

Hi Jillian, 

Thanks for explaining, but for me it only matches on exact when doing tests in Zapier. 

The tools that you are talking about, could you please name some examples? 


Sure the filters are good to check if it contains “the word”. But i want to extract all complete rows of information if it contains a certain word etc. 

  • Zapier Expert
  • 840 replies
  • September 28, 2022

Hi @Ratkiff 


The question is are you always searching for this ? I mean, are you trying to always do a fuzzy search on the email field? Im guessing you are because otherwise it will be a very complicated zap. 


In such case, why not create a formula column in Google Sheet where you extract this part of the email then use Google Sheet - Find with Line Item Support to bring all the items that match this? 

  • Zapier Staff
  • 1366 replies
  • October 3, 2022

Great suggestion @MohSwellam !

@Ratkiff were you able to try the formula column/Action that @MohSwellam suggests above? 

Let us know if it worked out or if you’re running into any issues!

  • Author
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  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2022

Thanks for your suggestion @MohSwellam
I will look in to the Line item support that you suggest. 


To tell you about the complicated Zap i am trying to build: 

  1. Outlook - look ahead 14 days for meetings
  2. Utility - Get E-mail adress everyone that is participating and separate so i only get the domain adress
  3. Sheets: Lookup the domain adress against two columns, where one is the domain adress of the external participants - The other row is for project names associated (this elimates all rows that are not tied to the project itself) 
  4. Clickup - Put the row information in to a Clickup together with the calendar information regarding time and notes. 

  • Zapier Expert
  • 840 replies
  • October 3, 2022

Hi @Ratkiff 


This still is doable in the same way I mentioned, you just have to have this formula field parse the data from both columns into one in Google Sheet. This way you will use 1 Find step instead of 2. 

  • Zapier Staff
  • 3731 replies
  • October 6, 2022

Hi @Ratkiff!

Were you able to give Moh’s solution a try? Let us know if you need any help with it!