I am a new potential user. I have a webform that gets submitted to us with set body information taken from the web form that tells me what location store the issue is at..
Inside the body there is going to be a location of a store. We have 10 different locations. What I want to do is to grab the outlook email, and forward this to their right location store manager email address that I set, based on the location city in side the body of that email
It needs to recognise the website reply to email so it knows only to zap those emails in my inbox not other emails.
example of what is in the body of email:
Store Purchased From: Osborne Park
Or Store Purchased From: Gisbourne
or Store Purchased From: Delaware etc etc
So “if” email is from “this set email adress (website form)” and has inside the body of email this “location” then forward that email to “this email”