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Forward emails from Zoho Mail to Gmail

  • 14 May 2021
  • 6 replies

Hello,  I’m trying to have my Zoho mail forwarded to my gmail.  Keep getting error message that

“label name exists or conflicts:”  Does anyone know how I can fix this? 



Hi @Fran 

Please provide screenshots of the app that’s returning the error in your Zap.


Also check out these help links:

hello,  Thank you for your quick reply. 

here’s my zap;

When I tested it, it said test was successful.. However, I then get an email that says the label exists or conflicts.

I’m stuck here. Can’t find any solution. So much info on 

Hey @Fran 

It looks like you’re creating a label in Gmail here, when initially you said you were forwarding the mesages.

The issue here, is that when you are creating a label, Gmail will throw an error if that label already exists. I actually think you want to have a zap that follows the following pattern:

  • New email in Zoho Mail > Send email In Zoho mail (and send to your Gmail address)

Alternatively, you could just set up auto-forwarding in your Zoho mail config. 

Let me know how you get on!

BTW the zoho email forwarding option is only available for paid plans. which I don’t have.

I didn’t think that this would make a difference when using a zap.  I could be wrong. Either way, please let me know if I can use this zap and if so, how can I get it to work. 


Thanks again



Maybe I’m using the wrong zap.  I just want all email from Zoho inbox to go to my gmail.

  • New email in Zoho Mail > Send email to Gmail address)

Thanks again for all of your suggestions.



Hi @Fran, hope you’re well, I just wanted to check in here!

I think this Zap template might help with your requirement of sending new Zoho emails to the Gmail account:

Give that a try and let us know if that works for you :-)