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Hello 👋

Fisrt, Sorry for my English 😕

I'm an Airbnb host and use zapier to automate a certain number of tasks.

I also use Notion for accounting, stock management, and cleaning tasks.

In this case I would like to count the number of guests I have per month so I know how many cleaning tasks I have to pay the cleaning lady.

Do you guys, have any idea how I could increase the number of bookings per 1 (+1) each time a booking is made ?


For now I've set up email parser.

Each time I receive a bookings confirmation from Airbnb it creates a an event on Gcal and updates my data bases on Gsheets and Notion. 

But I would like to have a counting system so I don't need to manually count bookings.


I'm not sure what app I should use for that, maybe using code by zapier :

-> using "look up row" task on Gsheets 

-> getting the value on a cell made for that (let say it's 2 bookings)

-> use a formula to increase the value (+1) That's the part I'm lost.

-> update the same cell with the new value.


I hope my explanations are clear enough so you can give me your help 😄 


To resume, I guess I need to find the right code formula to increase by 1 the data found in a gsheet or Notion cell.

Hi @Raoni!

You can do this by adding a Formatter by Zapier step into your Zap. The Formatter app does lots of different things, and one of them is to work with numbers, including doing maths!

First you need a step to find the Row in Google Sheets, which will give you the original number. 

Then add a Formatter step choosing Numbers for the event and ‘Add’ for the operation. 

In the ‘Values’ boxes, add the number from Google Sheets in one box and then type the number one in the next box. This will add 1 to the existing number whenever the Zap runs

Finally, use a Google Sheets ‘Update Row’ step to update the row that you need to, using the output of the Formatter step (ie the Formatter step will give you the number you need, and you then need to put it into the spreadsheet).


I hope that all makes sense, let us know if you have any questions!

Hi Danvers,

It totally makes sense ! I didn't thought about formatter but now you mentioned it, it sounds obvious 😅

Will try it out tonight but I'm very optimistic. 🙂

Thank you very much for your help.


Hi @Raoni 

Good question.

If you use Storage there is the action to: Increment Value


Hi @Raoni 

I know you already have a lot of suggestions but if you are storing the count in GSheets you do not need a formatter step to increment the value. You can just have 
Trigger: New Booking
Action: Lookup Row in GSheets
Action: Update Row in Gsheets -- in this step you can pass the value returned from the previous step into a formula. In other words pass back ={{insert value from lookup}} +1. Google sheets will do the math for you. 

@Raoni Looks like you’ve had some great suggestions on this thread! We just wanted to check in to see how you’re doing. Were you able to find success with any of the advice above? We’d love to know so we can help others running into similar issues. Let us know! 🙂

Hi Jesse,

Thank you for your message.

I got some great suggestions indeed ! Unfortunately i couldn’t manage time to work it out yet but once it will be done iI’ll post an answer here with my feedback for sure.

Thanks again to @Danvers, @Troy Tessalone and @GetUWired for the help and suggestions.


Hi friends, swinging by to summarize some of the recommendations here:

You can do this by adding a Formatter by Zapier step into your Zap. The Formatter app does lots of different things, and one of them is to work with numbers, including doing maths!

First you need a step to find the Row in Google Sheets, which will give you the original number. 

Then add a Formatter step choosing Numbers for the event and ‘Add’ for the operation. 

In the ‘Values’ boxes, add the number from Google Sheets in one box and then type the number one in the next box. This will add 1 to the existing number whenever the Zap runs

Finally, use a Google Sheets ‘Update Row’ step to update the row that you need to, using the output of the Formatter step (ie the Formatter step will give you the number you need, and you then need to put it into the spreadsheet).

There was another recommendation here to shorten the zap by:

...if you are storing the count in GSheets you do not need a formatter step to increment the value. You can just have 
Trigger: New Booking
Action: Lookup Row in GSheets
Action: Update Row in Gsheets -- in this step you can pass the value returned from the previous step into a formula. In other words pass back ={{insert value from lookup}} +1. Google sheets will do the math for you. 


Finally Troy had a different take:

If you use Storage there is the action to: Increment Value


Hope this helps!

Hi all,

I worked on it and went with @Danvers solution with Formatter beacause i wanted to deal with it directly in Notion without creating a Gsheet database for it.

Works great and i’m sure all the solutions were good.

Thank you all.

@Raoni wonderful! Thank you for letting us know what worked for you. 🙂

Very instructing way of use. I’m also a host on Airbnb and I have made full of zaps for automatically send message to my guest and the people who make the cleaning of my loft. Can we exchange together ? 

@Komet Oohh this sounds super interesting! If you’re up for sharing, I bet there are dozens of Community members who would love to hear about the Zaps you have setup to manage your Airbnb operations. We’d love to have you author a post in our Show & Tell forum if you’re up for it! 🙏


i have made some post about the subject.
