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Formstack webmerge webhook using Zapier

  • 25 August 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi All,

I am using a Zap- webhook in Formstack Documents(webmerge) to automatically save the merged document in Track Via. I want to save the merged document in one of my view in Track Via. I want to save the merged document which I am sending to external users and also the signed file which I will receive once they sign the document.

For now I am able to save only one file and not both. Can you please confirm if in one zap I can save document automatically to my view?  With different Zaps it is possible but it is creating two diffrent records- one for merged fiel and one for signed file. I want to have both the documents in one record in TrackVia.

So my trigger is New Merged Document in Formstack Document and Action is Add record to view in TrackVia.

Can you please confirm if it is possible to create a Zap which contain both the documents using webhook from Formstack Documents and save it in TrackVia?


Bhawana Pandey

Hi @Bhawana Pandey 

Check out this related Topic:


Hi Troy,


Thanks for your response. My question is can we have a condition in my Zap so that we can save the sent ones and the signed one document in TrackVia view. Right now I can save one document only through webhook.


Bhawana Pandey