Hey @JoshJoz1102 👋
One way to tackle this could be to store a record of the contacts (that have clicked the link in the email) in an app like Zapier Tables:
- Trigger: Link Clicked (Brevo) - triggers when the link is clicked in the email.
- Action: Create Record (Zapier Tables) - creates a record for the contact in the table.
Then, trigger a different Zap when the form is submitted, search for the contact’s record in the table and update it to confirm that they submitted the form:
- Trigger: New Form submission (HubSpot) - triggers when the form is submitted.
- Action: Find Record (Zapier Tables) - searches for the contact’s record within the table.
- Action: Update Record (Zapier Tables) - updates the contact’s record to mark them as having submitted the form.
To send out the reminders you could create a reminder event in an calendar app like Google Calendar for example X number of days later. With that you’d then have a Zap trigger when the reminder event starts, check the table for all contacts that haven’t submitted the form and then use a send email action in a loop to send a reminder to each of the contacts that havent submitted the form:
- Trigger: Event Start (Google Calendar) - triggers when the reminder event starts.
- Action: Find Records (Output as Line Items) (Zapier Tables) - searches for all contacts within the table that haven’t submitted the form.
- Action: Create Loop From Line Items (Looping by Zapier) - will loop through each contact and run the Send Transaction Email once for each contact. See our Loop your Zap actions guide for details.
- Action: Send Transactional Email (Brevo) - sends an email reminder to the contact.
Do you think that sort of approach could work for your needs here?