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I get the following text in the Test Step in find Record Action:
Required fields without a value


Optional fields without a value
Search by Field Search Value Search Formula Limit to View Should this step be considered a "success" when nothing is found?

The thing is that the base and the table (synced from a different base) DO have a value. I selected the Base and the Table in that base.
No matter what field I use to find the record, I keep getting that message.

I am using free accounts (AirTable and Zapier), if that helps for the answer.


Hi @nlocatel 

Make sure to click the eTest & Review] button on that screen where you see the red warning text.

 Try removing the hardcoded “1” before the dynamically mapped data point.


Thank you,

I never suspected that pressing the Test and Review Button would do the work.
Not intuitive to me.