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I have created a zap to be triggered on a submission from a form.  The form is set to provide a Deal ID to find and update a specific Deal in Pipedrive.  This will be the most common outcome and this works.

However, in the scenario where no Deal ID is provided or a Deal ID that does not exist, I am receiving different errors.

If the Deal ID does not exist I get :  

“Deal not found Please check for more information about Pipedrive API.”

If there is no Deal ID supplied from the form I get:

Required field "ID" (term) is missing.

I have selected the option “Create Pipedrive Deal if it does not exist already”.  From this I would expect a new Deal to be created and autogenerate a new unique Deal ID, I have provided a Deal Title which is the only required field.

Any help with this greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance,





Hi @imo 

Can you please share screenshots of how the Find/Create deal step is set up?

Hi @imo,

You're getting an error because you still need a search value. The "Create Pipedrive Deal if it does not exist already" will only work after it did the search and nothing could be found. 

There are a couple of workarounds that you can do:

  1. Use Paths to create a different Zap step for each scenario 
  2. Use a Formatter/Text step to create a default value for the Deal ID. Use one that you know doesn't exist so it creates one when it can't find it
  3. Use filters and create two separate Zaps for each scenario

I hope this helps! 



Thank you, yes I realised what I was doing and I think the option of creating a dummy deal ID which does not exist is a good option for my use case.  Also to get the update zap to trigger only if it finds a correct deal id otherwise handle it within the Find Deal section.

thank you again