I have created a zap to be triggered on a submission from a form. The form is set to provide a Deal ID to find and update a specific Deal in Pipedrive. This will be the most common outcome and this works.
However, in the scenario where no Deal ID is provided or a Deal ID that does not exist, I am receiving different errors.
If the Deal ID does not exist I get :
“Deal not found Please check developers.pipedrive.com for more information about Pipedrive API.”
If there is no Deal ID supplied from the form I get:
Required field "ID" (term) is missing.
I have selected the option “Create Pipedrive Deal if it does not exist already”. From this I would expect a new Deal to be created and autogenerate a new unique Deal ID, I have provided a Deal Title which is the only required field.
Any help with this greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance,