Find Item in Podio using data from previous Zap steps
I haven’t been able to figure out how to use the Find Item in Podio step using data from a previous step in the same Zap.
I want to be able to use data (e.g., a Podio Item ID) from a previous Zap Trigger step to find a specific Podio app item (e.g., the Podio app item having the Podio Item ID found from the previous Zap Trigger Step).
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Hey @Thomas Geib, hope you’re doing well!
For this particular issue, the Find Item error with searching via email is a current bug in the integration. It looks like Podio expects the email value to be given as an array, similar to a line item: :email.address] instead of plain text: email.address
I don’t believe adjusting the search value to be encloses in brackets will work, but you can test that to see if it helps.
I’ve also gone ahead and added you to the bug report for the issue with searching via email reporting that array error. This will make sure we can alert you ASAP once that issue is resolved.
As for getting things working now:
The Find Item only supports plain text fields for the Search Value at this time.
Is there a unique plain text field that could be used for Find Item that would reliably be able to pull the item?
Can you try adding a custom plain text field for saving the email when the item is created?
Using a plain text field would be the best way to get the search function running in order to power the Update Item action right now.
Hi @AbleSource,
It should be fairly easy to do. It should be fairly easy to do.
Assuming you already have Podio item ID name from a previous step in the same zap.
I am showing a google sheet example, should be the same for podio:
Click on the search field
You will see all of your previous steps there
Select the item that you’d like to use for search
That’s it. You can then run test and see if the product comes in.
@AbleSource Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?
I'm attempting to use the “Find Item in Podio” action to update an existing lead with new information from a webform on a website.
Currently we have one short form with just three questions and one long form. After someone submits on the short form they are redirected to our long form that has more fields/questions. We have two separate zaps both creating new items in podio. Our current problem is when someone submits both the short and long form it will create two contacts with the same lead. We want to have the second form find and update the first existing item.
When I try to use “Find Item in Podio” I get different errors. When we try to find a contact using the phone we get:
The app returned "Filtering not supported for fields of type phone"
When I try to use “Find Item in Podio” with the search Field for a email I get this error.