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Fetch all Jira tickets from a JQL filter

  • 3 August 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi all, 


I am currently trying to approach the following:

  1. I have a JQL filter in Jira
  2. I want to send a slack message to the assignee of each ticket on regularly basis

I’ve tried with:

  • the JQL trigger, but I guess it works if there is a recently new ticket added to the jql results
  • Zapier tables I have addon in Google sheets which will fetch the jql results but I am not sure how to add a new record automatically if there is a new row in a spreadsheet
  • new or updated spreadsheet > it doesn’t work even if the Atlassian addon updates the sheet with recent JQL results, which might to be the same as last jql search

Thank you in advance for your help!


Hi @magz 
Try this Zap trigger: Schedule

To get multiple Tickets, you’d likely have to use the Jira API:

To iterate thru multiple results use the Looping app:

Resources for using app APIs in Zaps:



Thank you, Troy! 


Do you have any idea how also to send a list with the tickets in a slack channel?

Hey @magz 👋

Do you have any idea how also to send a list with the tickets in a slack channel?

Not sure if you’ve already got this figured out, but if the JIRA API provides a list of the different tickets as line-items you can use a Formatter (Utilities > Line-item to Text) action to convert the line items into a list. Check out our Convert line items into text strings guide for more details.

If you’re using Looping you can set up a digest instead and use a Filter in the Zap to only send the Slack message on the last loop iteration, by using the rule condition of “Only continue if loop_iteration_is_last is true”. See How do I stop a loop from running in subsequent action steps? to learn more.

And there’s a guide on how to release a digest in a loop outlined here:

Hope that helps. Do let us know if you have any further questions or run into any issues! 🙂
