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Hey all, thanks in advance for any insight into figuring this one out.

I’m using the “Get Many Spreadsheet Rows (Advanced, With Line Item Support) in Google Sheets” Zap and the output I get is either “Rows” or “RAW Rows.” Then I’m using the Zapier format Text Zap to remove all of the “$” from the output. Then ultimately I’d like to create new spreadsheet rows in an existing Sheets doc using this data but I’m having some trouble with how to work with the output I’m given. I’d like to take the data and have it show up in the proper columns in the new rows.

I’ve tried using the Post Webhook to format as a list, but I’m not sure how to separate the comma’d array into what would show as separate fields that I cal work with and insert into my Sheets Doc.

I’m not a total noob so I should be able to interpret what you guys throw at me, but some assistance would be appreciated.


BONUS QUESTION: If my spreadsheet with line items happens to be more than 20 rows (max allowed in this zap), can I setup a second Filter zap that searches my original source Sheets doc starting at line 21, only runs if there is data entered in that row or after, then Gets that data from rows 21-41, and finally creates additional rows in my final Google sheets doc if they existed in the source doc?


Thank you!


Hi @casedog3000 ,

Thank you for reaching out! And for the bonus question!

I am escalating this to Support as they will be able to take a look at your specific Zap to help here.

Sit tight and someone will be in touch just as soon as they can!

Thanks @Liz_Roberts !


Hi there, I’m also looking to format the data from sheets rows, in my case I’m looking to post messages to slack channels.  Did you all ever sort out a solution / answer / direction on how to do this??? Thanks so much, hope you figured it out :D


Have you checked our Zapier Formatter - there is lots you can do with, hopefully, something that does what you need.

If someone is having the same issue with the ‘Get many rows’ data, here’s what the Support Team came back with:


There is a feature request to have better usable line-items (instead of nested arrays) for the Get Many Spreadsheet rows. That said, what you might be able to do is:

Formatter > Utilities > Line-Item to Text
Formatter > Text > Split Text
Formatter > Utilities > Text to Line-Item

(And a few Formatter > Text > Replace steps in the middle to clean it up a bit better).

That said, this is really tricky and might not work and will use a large amount of tasks (I reckon around 5-8 Formatter steps), and I can't really troubleshoot this further (because this data is too "funky" to sort), but feel free to use those tools. If it's possible, it will be with that.

Additionally, it might be worth asking a Zapier-Certified Expert to see if there is a Code step that could be used instead.