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My goal: Zap data from to a Google Sheet when a new entry is added to a specific board on Monday.

My problem: Although I have identical columns in Google Sheet as I do on the Monday board (and data seems to be flowing between them), the columnular data from Monday seems to be arriving as a key:value pair (almost like JSON). Is there any way to extract this into separate fields for the Sheet? In the screenshot (which I've tried to remove any identifiable info from), you can see that the Name field maps well, but as soon as we get to the next Sheet field ("Google Ads ID"), I basically get all of the rest of the data as one field called "Column Values". Is this just an issue with's API or is there something I can do to further extract that data?

Annotation 2020-01-27 113200.pngThanks in advance!

Hi @redearmedia

I had to find out the hard way that you need to create a webhook step to call the API to get data from an individual column:

The Intuitive Management Tool - Developers

It will end up looking like this:

Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 16.48.37.png(remember to get your API key from settings).

Also, you need to use the collumn's internal ID, not it's name in If you need help finding that, open this link in your browser:[boardidhere]/columns.json?api_key=[apikeyhere]

(replace [boardidhere] and [apikeyhere] accordingly)

You'll see this:

Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 16.54.56.pngIn this example, the column in Monday called "Reference Number" has a column ID of "text13"

Hope that helps!

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu Thank you! I'm familiar with webhooks, but I've never used them in Zapier. What is your initial trigger that eventually leads to you calling the webhook you've shown? I've been using "New Pulse on a Board in Monday".


My particular zap triggered on a new updated added to a pulse (suited my usecase), but "New Pulse On Board" should also do fine.

It will give you the board ID and pulse ID you need for the webhook call.

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu Thank you so much! Last question (I hope) -- do you need to do a separate GET request for each column you need? Or can you query multiple Monday columns with one call? E.g. if I want both an "ID" and a "Budget" from a pulse, do I need to do a separate webhook step for each piece?

@RealEstateGirlGuru - You do, I'm afraid!

Annoying, right?! I hope improve their integration.

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu You're a king among men! Thank you. Hopefully the v2 API is improved in this regard (and I hope Zapier deploys it in a reasonable amount of time).

@redearmedia - Zapier actually leaves apps to develop their own integrations (via so the fastest way to get this to happen is to let support know.

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu Oh! Yes, that makes more sense - cannot imagine a single dev team (no matter how large) being responsible for incorporating a world's worth of APIs. Thanks again! Cheers.

Hey Guys,

This thread has been really useful. We are an event space that takes bookings from event organisers. We use as our CRM to log enquires and would like to automate these into a Google Sheet for the purposes of sharing with our wider team.

We are attempting to automate a board into Google Sheets. We are however stuck at a point where anything we pull through into the Google Sheet comes out with the name of the column in each cell.

For example:

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 15.41.30.png

We have followed the advice in this thread but are stuck at this point. Our customised GET looks as such.

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 15.43.47.png

Can anybody advise where we may be going wrong??


The Hinterlands team


Hi @Hinterlands and hello again @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu!

It sounds like you may be populating the Sheet with the key rather than the value? As Andrew says, we'd need to see some sample data from that GET to confirm.

Hey @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu & @redearmedia,

Will do our best to provide examples - sorry we're very new to this sort of stuff.

Hope the below provides what you need to be able to help :)

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 15.59.45.png

The values are coming back as saying there is nothing there (null) when we update the date column on, which is titled column id. date4.

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 16.01.33.png

Thanks for your help - think we're a little out of our depth 😋


So, it's definitely the value field you should be mapping... but as to why it's showing null for you isn't clear.

It may be worth reaching out to the team for help - we had a few problems with their API and they were super helpful. They should be able to tell you why it's returning null.

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu I'm about to step out and don't have a minute to look at this, but I'm assuming you know API v1 fairly well? For my initial issue (the OP), I ended up building an API interface in v2 using GraphQL and bypassed Zapier.

EDIT: updated section 2

@Hinterlands the other thing we may need to see is your step where you populate a Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets. I'd prefer to see that say "null" given this test data so that I knew it was using 'value' and not 'column_id'.

@Hinterlands / @redearmedia

One thing I did find is when I used GET to retrieve a formula column on my board - that also came through null. It seems it can't pull back values for dynamic fields.

I'm wondering if this date field is the same?

New to and surprised this zapier integration is so botched. The column values data is not even valid json, it’s a mess of random stuff jumbled together as far as I can see. Surprised Zapier would allow this to be live. Hopefully Monday team fixes soon.